⁽⁴ᴷ⁾ Pyronale 2019: Pyro Events Team – Romania Rumänien – Feuerwerk – Fireworks

Dit vuurwerk filmpje is gepubliceerd op 19 september 2019 bij Webmaster

[DE] Das nächste schöne feuerwerk von das 2019 Pyronale Internationaler Feuerwerkswettbewerb, best of six! Pyro Events Team aus Rumänien !

[EN] Here is one of the very best fireworks display from Pyronale 2019, best of six! Fired by the Romanian team Pyro Events Team! In our opinion a show from a outstanding level what could compete as one of the few with Dragon Fireworks from the Philippines, if they still joined this edition of the festival of course! Also this fireworks display definitely earned an award, but unfortunately they did not earn any! For us they did!

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